Convert to an automated membership
Convert to an automated membership
As of May 1, 2024, Hawaiʻi Angels has switched from manual annual invoicing to automated "PayPal Subscriptions" for our annual membership dues.
This will save our directors a considerable amount of administrative time/effort every month to generate, distribute, and follow-up on invoices
You'll be asked to switch to the PayPal Subscription method when your membership comes up for its annual renewal
Reminder that almost all of our dues go to cover our monthly Pacific Club expenses (meals, etc.) and we're a nonprofit, so everyone's help in this switch-over is appreciated!
Individual Investor Member dues will remain $1500 annually under the PayPal Subscription method, but will increase to $1650 for any legacy members who require a manual invoice because they do not convert to an automated membership.
Convert your membership by clicking Subscribe below:
Pay with PayPal
Note: You can cancel at any time by logging onto PayPal to cancel your recurring subscription.
Thank you so much for your help in easing this administrative burden!
Convert to an automated membership
As of May 1, 2024, Hawaiʻi Angels has switched from manual annual invoicing to automated "PayPal Subscriptions" for our annual membership dues.
This will save our directors a considerable amount of administrative time/effort every month to generate, distribute, and follow-up on invoices
You'll be asked to switch to the PayPal Subscription method when your membership comes up for its annual renewal
Reminder that almost all of our dues go to cover our monthly Pacific Club expenses (meals, etc.) and we're a nonprofit, so everyone's help in this switch-over is appreciated!
Individual Investor Member dues will remain $1500 annually under the PayPal Subscription method, but will increase to $1650 for any legacy members who require a manual invoice because they do not convert to an automated membership.
Convert your membership by clicking Subscribe below:
Pay with PayPal
Note: You can cancel at any time by logging onto PayPal to cancel your recurring subscription.
Thank you so much for your help in easing this administrative burden!